G1 Unmanned Store Suitability
Based on FAQs from real enquiries and customers, here's a guide to help you decide if a G1 Unmanned Store panel is suitable for your requirement...
What are the minimum requirements for deploying a G1 Unmanned container store?
There must be suitable HGV access to deliver the container.
The ground must be level, or the container must be level after placement.
Is a mains supply required? If so, the store uses less than 60W of power, so heavy duty cable isn't necessary. If there is no mains available the store should be fitted with the Green wind and solar option.
How is the container fitted out?
That's down to the customer. There are no specific requirements needed.
How does the store keep an accurate inventory?
A G1 Unmanned Store uses passive UHF RFID technology which carries out a full inventory after every visit. This means that all items to be tracked must have an RFID tag applied before they are deployed to the store. This is easy to do at the warehouse prior to shipping using a barcode reader or handheld running the G1 Unmanned Store app. Items which are too small, very low value or difficult to tag can still be accommodated using smart RFID sensors. The specially encoded tags are available to purchase on rolls from Codegate on next day delivery.
Does the store user need to scan anything or use a keyboard to do a transaction?
No - the transaction is fully automated, the user just needs to collect the items they need and then exit the store.
What sort of assets can the store contain / transact?
The G1 Unmanned Store can contain any mix of:
Hireable assets
'Replenishables', a special category of consumables that do not need to be tagged, which can still be tracked using smart RFID sensors.
How many items can the store hold?
A G1 Unmanned Store can hold up to 1,000 items in a 10ft or 20ft container store and up to 1,500 items in a 40 ft container store. PLEASE NOTE these are individual items, not SKUs. So, for illustration, if you wanted the store to hold 10 items of each SKU, then the total maximum number of different SKUs would be 150.
Can many different customers use the store?
The store is recommended for use by a single customer only. If there are any stock losses caused by any form of abuse or inappropriate use by their own personnel then liability lies with the single customer.
Should the store be deployed to a secure site?
Whilst the store is quite secure we strongly advise it should be placed within a compound where there is additional security and CCTV to prevent unwanted attention from opportunists.
How secure is access to the store?
Access is gained using fobs allocated by the Store Administrator. Access from any fob can be revoked at any time in the event of theft, loss or similar.
Can a job number be recorded against each transaction?
The store can be set up to require a job number on entry, which is then recorded against any transaction. This is entered on the front panel touch screen. The format of the job number can be adjusted according to the requirement, and it is possible to accept time limited job numbers to prevent repeated use.
Can users return consumables to the store?
No. If they do so the transaction will not be recorded. Damaged items or items for credit should be returned to the nearest depot or by courier.
Is it possible to report damage to hireable items returned to the store?
Yes. The store web portal can also advise if any items are in need of a maintenance or calibration check.
Can a G1 Unmanned Store panel be installed in the doorway of a conventional stock room?
Subject so a site survey and ensuring certain RFID shielding requirements, yes this is possible.
Typically how long will it take to see a return on investment?
This very much depends on use case, but here are a some typical examples:
In comparison with operating a manned store, ROI can be months.
In a typical end user scenario where a store is used 20 times per day, and without a store those visits would be to a depot 30 minutes drive away, the cumulative carbon and commercial savings will be realised in about one year.
Is the G1 Unmanned Store panel suitable for international shipments?
Yes. The Store panels are shipped flat-pack in kit form to save cost. Once on site they can be assembled into a container by a team of two in just a few hours.